Electrical Safety


It’s our way of providing community support and education to keep your precious children safe.

Electrical Safety is Crucial in keeping your loved ones safe. Electrical Hazards can harm your family. Each year, many people get burned, shocked and even die due to electrical hazards. OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Organization) has strict guidelines for businesses to keep workers safe, but Homeowners are responsible for protecting their family by learning about Electrical Hazards.
Below are some common tips to follow for keeping your family safe.

• Electricity and Water DO NOT MIX. Do not use items with cords or plugs around water.
• Only put a plug into an outlet. Nothing else goes in there including fingers or other objects.
• Toasters are for toast and not metal objects.
• Pull plugs out by the plug and not the cord.
• Do not fly kites close to a power line
• Stay away from power lines, substations or trees near power lines
• Obey all warning signs for electricity and STAY AWAY.

Keep Curious Children Safe by Childproofing your home

• Install childproof outlets in your home instead of plastic inserts in plugs that can be pulled out and swallowed. Tamper-proof outlets
prevent objects that don’t belong in them from being inserted in them.
• Keep hair dryers, toasters or like items out of reach of your little ones.
• Keep all plugged in electrical devices out of reach so they are not tampered with by children.

Electrical Safety for Businesses (OSHA Standards)

Electrical hazards shock, burn and sometimes can cause death by electrocution. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Organization) has some simple standards to go by to protect employers and employees. Below is from OSHA and outlines safety protocol.

• Always assume POWER IS ON. Never assume wires are ok to touch.
• If a power line has fallen to the ground, NEVER TOUCH IT. Call the local utility company to report.
• ALWAYS STAY AWAY minimally 10 feet from overhead wires. If working close to power lines, always survey your work area and make sure  you stay away while working.
• If you are ever driving and an overhead wire falls on your vehicle, STAY INSIDE THE VEHICLE. Keep driving away from the line to clear  it from your vehicle. If you cannot clear the line, then stay in your vehicle and warn other people not to touch the vehicle or  the power line. Call the utility company and emergency services for help.
• Electrical Equipment and water DO NOT MIX. Do not operate electrical equipment near or in water.
• ALWAYS get a licensed electrician to repair equipment or anything electrical.
• ALWAYS get a licensed electrician to inspect electrical equipment before bringing power to it, especially if it has gotten wet.
• ALL electrical cords and equipment should be free of defects prior to use. Make sure GFCI’s (Ground fault circuit interrupters) are being used in or near wet areas.
• CAUTION ALWAYS! Be cautious when working around electricity. It could save your life.